Donate Now
Your donation allows Royal MTC to share great stories that entertain, enlighten, and heal the human spirit. Beyond our work onstage, your support enriches our education and outreach activities – making theatre accessible to all.
To finalize your donation, you’ll need to log in, or create a Royal MTC patron account. If you've forgotten your login information you can also make your one-time gift quickly here.
All contributions greater than $100.00 are eligible for donor benefits. For more information, click here or contact our Development Department for details.
You can also download a donation form here and mail the completed form to:
Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre
174 Market Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3B 0P8
For more information on making a gift, please contact: Patrick Hanan at 204 954 6411,
Registered Charity Number – 11903 0799 RR0001